Source code for KicadModTree.util.kicad_util

# KicadModTree is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# KicadModTree is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with kicad-footprint-generator. If not, see < >.
# (C) 2016-2018 by Thomas Pointhuber, <>

import time
import re

[docs]def formatFloat(val): ''' return well formated float ''' result = ('%f' % val).rstrip('0').rstrip('.') if result == '-0': result = '0' return result
[docs]def lispString(string): ''' add quotation marks to string, when it include a white space or is empty ''' if type(string) is not str: string = str(string) if len(string) == 0 or re.match(".*\s.*", string): return '"{}"'.format(string.replace('"', '\\"')) # escape text return string
[docs]def lispTokenizer(input): ''' Convert a string of characters into a list of tokens. ''' input = input.replace('(', ' ( ').replace(')', ' ) ') # split input, including whitespaces base_tokens = re.split(r'(\s+)', input) tokens = [] in_string = False for token in base_tokens: if not in_string and token.isspace(): continue if len(token) == 0: continue if token[0] == '"': if in_string: tokens[-1] += token[1:] in_string = False else: tokens.append(token[1:]) in_string = True elif token[-1] == '"': if in_string: tokens[-1] += token[:-1] in_string = False else: tokens.append(token[:-1]) in_string = True else: if in_string: tokens[-1] += token else: tokens.append(token) if in_string: raise RuntimeError("missing closing quotation mark") # TOOD: remove invalid spaces from quotation (when having brackets inside) return tokens
[docs]def parseLispString(input): syntax_tree = [] current_node = syntax_tree scope = [syntax_tree] for token in lispTokenizer(input): if token == "(": scope.append([]) current_node.append(scope[-1]) current_node = scope[-1] elif token == ")": if len(scope) <= 1: raise RuntimeError("missing opening brackets") scope.pop() current_node = scope[-1] else: current_node.append(token) if len(scope) > 1: raise RuntimeError("missing closing brackets") if len(syntax_tree) == 1: syntax_tree = syntax_tree[0] return syntax_tree
[docs]class SexprSerializer(object): ''' Converts a nested python list into a sexpr syntax which can be parsed by KiCad ''' NEW_LINE = object def __init__(self, sexpr): ''' :param sexpr: A list of lists and primitive values representing the file ''' self.sexpr = sexpr
[docs] def primitive_to_string(self, primitive): pType = type(primitive) if pType is int: return str(primitive) elif pType is float: return formatFloat(primitive) elif pType is str: return lispString(primitive) else: raise RuntimeError("unexpected type: {}".format(pType))
[docs] def sexpr_to_string(self, sexpr, prefix=None): if prefix is None: prefix = "" serial_string = "(" # see: loop_ctrl = {'first': True, 'indentation': False} def get_separator(): if loop_ctrl['first']: loop_ctrl['first'] = False return_str = "" else: return_str = " " if loop_ctrl['indentation']: return_str += " " loop_ctrl['indentation'] = False return return_str for attr in sexpr: if isinstance(attr, (tuple, list)): return_string = self.sexpr_to_string(attr, prefix + " ") if loop_ctrl['indentation']: return_string = return_string.replace('\n', '\n ') serial_string += get_separator() serial_string += return_string elif attr == SexprSerializer.NEW_LINE: serial_string += "\n" serial_string += prefix loop_ctrl['indentation'] = True else: serial_string += get_separator() serial_string += self.primitive_to_string(attr) serial_string += ")" return serial_string
def __str__(self): ''' :return: A string which respresents the sexpr ''' return self.sexpr_to_string(self.sexpr)
[docs]def parseTimestamp(timestamp): raise NotImplemented() return time.time() # TOOD
[docs]def formatTimestamp(timestamp=None): if timestamp is None: timestamp = time.time() return "{timestamp:X}".format(timestamp=int(timestamp))