Source code for KicadModTree.nodes.base.Pad

# KicadModTree is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# KicadModTree is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with kicad-footprint-generator. If not, see < >.
# (C) 2016 by Thomas Pointhuber, <>
# (C) 2018 by Rene Poeschl, github @poeschlr

from KicadModTree.util.paramUtil import *
from KicadModTree.Vector import *
from KicadModTree.nodes.Node import Node
from KicadModTree.util.kicad_util import lispString
from KicadModTree.nodes.base.Arc import Arc
from KicadModTree.nodes.base.Circle import Circle
from KicadModTree.nodes.base.Line import Line
from KicadModTree.nodes.base.Polygon import Polygon

[docs]class RoundRadiusHandler(object): r"""Handles round radius setting of a pad :param \**kwargs: See below :Keyword Arguments: * *radius_ratio* (``float [0 <= r <= 0.5]``) -- The radius ratio of the rounded rectangle. (default set by default_radius_ratio) * *maximum_radius* (``float``) -- The maximum radius for the rounded rectangle. If the radius produced by the radius_ratio parameter for the pad would exceed the maximum radius, the ratio is reduced to limit the radius. (This is useful for IPC-7351C compliance as it suggests 25% ratio with limit 0.25mm) * *round_radius_exact* (``float``) -- Set an exact round radius for a pad. * *default_radius_ratio* (``float [0 <= r <= 0.5]``) -- This parameter allows to set the default radius ratio (backwards compatibility option for chamfered pads) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): default_radius_ratio = getOptionalNumberTypeParam( kwargs, 'default_radius_ratio', default_value=0.25, low_limit=0, high_limit=0.5) self.radius_ratio = getOptionalNumberTypeParam( kwargs, 'radius_ratio', default_value=default_radius_ratio, low_limit=0, high_limit=0.5) self.maximum_radius = getOptionalNumberTypeParam(kwargs, 'maximum_radius') self.round_radius_exact = getOptionalNumberTypeParam(kwargs, 'round_radius_exact') self.kicad4_compatible = kwargs.get('kicad4_compatible', False)
[docs] def getRadiusRatio(self, shortest_sidelength): r"""get the resulting round radius ratio :param shortest_sidelength: shortest sidelength of a pad :return: the resulting round radius ratio to be used for the pad """ if self.kicad4_compatible: return 0 if self.round_radius_exact is not None: if self.round_radius_exact > shortest_sidelength/2: raise ValueError( "requested round radius of {} is too large for pad size of {}" .format(self.round_radius_exact, pad_size) ) if self.maximum_radius is not None: return min(self.round_radius_exact, self.maximum_radius)/shortest_sidelength else: return self.round_radius_exact/shortest_sidelength if self.maximum_radius is not None: if self.radius_ratio*shortest_sidelength > self.maximum_radius: return self.maximum_radius/shortest_sidelength return self.radius_ratio
[docs] def getRoundRadius(self, shortest_sidelength): r"""get the resulting round radius :param shortest_sidelength: shortest sidelength of a pad :return: the resulting round radius to be used for the pad """ return self.getRadiusRatio(shortest_sidelength)*shortest_sidelength
[docs] def roundingRequested(self): r"""Check if the pad has a rounded corner :return: True if rounded corners are required """ if self.kicad4_compatible: return False if self.maximum_radius == 0: return False if self.round_radius_exact == 0: return False if self.radius_ratio == 0: return False return True
[docs] def limitMaxRadius(self, limit): r"""Set a new maximum limit :param limit: the new limit. """ if not self.roundingRequested(): return if self.maximum_radius is not None: self.maximum_radius = min(self.maximum_radius, limit) else: self.maximum_radius = limit
def __str__(self): return "ratio {}, max {}, exact {}, v4 compatible {}".format( self.radius_ratio, self.maximum_radius, self.round_radius_exact, self.kicad4_compatible )
[docs]class Pad(Node): r"""Add a Pad to the render tree :param \**kwargs: See below :Keyword Arguments: * *number* (``int``, ``str``) -- number/name of the pad (default: \"\") * *type* (``Pad.TYPE_THT``, ``Pad.TYPE_SMT``, ``Pad.TYPE_CONNECT``, ``Pad.TYPE_NPTH``) -- type of the pad * *shape* (``Pad.SHAPE_CIRCLE``, ``Pad.SHAPE_OVAL``, ``Pad.SHAPE_RECT``, ``SHAPE_ROUNDRECT``, ``Pad.SHAPE_TRAPEZE``, ``SHAPE_CUSTOM``) -- shape of the pad * *layers* (``Pad.LAYERS_SMT``, ``Pad.LAYERS_THT``, ``Pad.LAYERS_NPTH``) -- layers on which are used for the pad * *at* (``Vector2D``) -- center position of the pad * *rotation* (``float``) -- rotation of the pad * *size* (``float``, ``Vector2D``) -- size of the pad * *offset* (``Vector2D``) -- offset of the pad * *drill* (``float``, ``Vector2D``) -- drill-size of the pad * *radius_ratio* (``float``) -- The radius ratio of the rounded rectangle. Ignored for every shape except round rect. * *maximum_radius* (``float``) -- The maximum radius for the rounded rectangle. If the radius produced by the radius_ratio parameter for the pad would exceed the maximum radius, the ratio is reduced to limit the radius. (This is useful for IPC-7351C compliance as it suggests 25% ratio with limit 0.25mm) Ignored for every shape except round rect. * *round_radius_exact* (``float``) -- Set an exact round radius for a pad. Ignored for every shape except round rect * *round_radius_handler* (``RoundRadiusHandler``) -- An instance of the RoundRadiusHandler class If this is given then all other round radius specifiers are ignored Ignored for every shape except round rect * *solder_paste_margin_ratio* (``float``) -- solder paste margin ratio of the pad (default: 0) * *solder_paste_margin* (``float``) -- solder paste margin of the pad (default: 0) * *solder_mask_margin* (``float``) -- solder mask margin of the pad (default: 0) * *x_mirror* (``[int, float](mirror offset)``) -- mirror x direction around offset "point" * *y_mirror* (``[int, float](mirror offset)``) -- mirror y direction around offset "point" :Example: >>> from KicadModTree import * >>> Pad(number=1, type=Pad.TYPE_THT, shape=Pad.SHAPE_RECT, ... at=[0, 0], size=[2, 2], drill=1.2, layers=Pad.LAYERS_THT) """ TYPE_THT = 'thru_hole' TYPE_SMT = 'smd' TYPE_CONNECT = 'connect' TYPE_NPTH = 'np_thru_hole' _TYPES = [TYPE_THT, TYPE_SMT, TYPE_CONNECT, TYPE_NPTH] SHAPE_CIRCLE = 'circle' SHAPE_OVAL = 'oval' SHAPE_RECT = 'rect' SHAPE_ROUNDRECT = 'roundrect' SHAPE_TRAPEZE = 'trapezoid' SHAPE_CUSTOM = 'custom' _SHAPES = [SHAPE_CIRCLE, SHAPE_OVAL, SHAPE_RECT, SHAPE_ROUNDRECT, SHAPE_TRAPEZE, SHAPE_CUSTOM] LAYERS_SMT = ['F.Cu', 'F.Mask', 'F.Paste'] LAYERS_THT = ['*.Cu', '*.Mask'] LAYERS_NPTH = ['*.Cu', '*.Mask'] ANCHOR_CIRCLE = 'circle' ANCHOR_RECT = 'rect' _ANCHOR_SHAPE = [ANCHOR_CIRCLE, ANCHOR_RECT] SHAPE_IN_ZONE_CONVEX = 'convexhull' SHAPE_IN_ZONE_OUTLINE = 'outline' _SHAPE_IN_ZONE = [SHAPE_IN_ZONE_CONVEX, SHAPE_IN_ZONE_OUTLINE] def __init__(self, **kwargs): Node.__init__(self) self.radius_ratio = 0 self._initNumber(**kwargs) self._initType(**kwargs) self._initShape(**kwargs) self._initPosition(**kwargs) self._initSize(**kwargs) self._initOffset(**kwargs) self._initDrill(**kwargs) # requires pad type and offset self._initSolderPasteMargin(**kwargs) self._initSolderPasteMarginRatio(**kwargs) self._initSolderMaskMargin(**kwargs) self._initLayers(**kwargs) self._initMirror(**kwargs) if self.shape == self.SHAPE_OVAL and self.size[0] == self.size[1]: self.shape = self.SHAPE_CIRCLE if self.shape == Pad.SHAPE_OVAL or self.shape == Pad.SHAPE_CIRCLE: self.radius_ratio = 0.5 if self.shape == Pad.SHAPE_ROUNDRECT: self._initRadiusRatio(**kwargs) if self.shape == Pad.SHAPE_CUSTOM: self._initAnchorShape(**kwargs) self._initShapeInZone(**kwargs) self.primitives = [] if 'primitives' not in kwargs: raise KeyError('primitives must be declared for custom pads') for p in kwargs['primitives']: self.addPrimitive(p) def _initMirror(self, **kwargs): self.mirror = [None, None] if 'x_mirror' in kwargs and type(kwargs['x_mirror']) in [float, int]: self.mirror[0] = kwargs['x_mirror'] if 'y_mirror' in kwargs and type(kwargs['y_mirror']) in [float, int]: self.mirror[1] = kwargs['y_mirror'] if self.mirror[0] is not None: = 2 * self.mirror[0] - self.offset.x *= -1 if self.mirror[1] is not None: = 2 * self.mirror[1] - self.offset.y *= -1 def _initNumber(self, **kwargs): self.number = kwargs.get('number', "") # default to an un-numbered pad def _initType(self, **kwargs): if not kwargs.get('type'): raise KeyError('type not declared (like "type=Pad.TYPE_THT")') self.type = kwargs.get('type') if self.type not in Pad._TYPES: raise ValueError('{type} is an invalid type for pads'.format(type=self.type)) def _initShape(self, **kwargs): if not kwargs.get('shape'): raise KeyError('shape not declared (like "shape=Pad.SHAPE_CIRCLE")') self.shape = kwargs.get('shape') if self.shape not in Pad._SHAPES: raise ValueError('{shape} is an invalid shape for pads'.format(shape=self.shape)) def _initPosition(self, **kwargs): if not kwargs.get('at'): raise KeyError('center position not declared (like "at=[0,0]")') = Vector2D(kwargs.get('at')) self.rotation = kwargs.get('rotation', 0) def _initSize(self, **kwargs): if not kwargs.get('size'): raise KeyError('pad size not declared (like "size=[1,1]")') self.size = toVectorUseCopyIfNumber(kwargs.get('size'), low_limit=0) def _initOffset(self, **kwargs): self.offset = Vector2D(kwargs.get('offset', [0, 0])) def _initDrill(self, **kwargs): if self.type in [Pad.TYPE_THT, Pad.TYPE_NPTH]: if not kwargs.get('drill'): raise KeyError('drill size required (like "drill=1")') self.drill = toVectorUseCopyIfNumber(kwargs.get('drill'), low_limit=0) else: self.drill = None if kwargs.get('drill'): pass # TODO: throw warning because drill is not supported def _initSolderPasteMarginRatio(self, **kwargs): self.solder_paste_margin_ratio = kwargs.get('solder_paste_margin_ratio', 0) def _initSolderPasteMargin(self, **kwargs): self.solder_paste_margin = kwargs.get('solder_paste_margin', 0) def _initSolderMaskMargin(self, **kwargs): self.solder_mask_margin = kwargs.get('solder_mask_margin', 0) def _initLayers(self, **kwargs): if not kwargs.get('layers'): raise KeyError('layers not declared (like "layers=[\'*.Cu\', \'*.Mask\', \'F.SilkS\']")') self.layers = kwargs.get('layers') def _initRadiusRatio(self, **kwargs): if('round_radius_handler' in kwargs): self.round_radius_handler = kwargs['round_radius_handler'] else: self.round_radius_handler = RoundRadiusHandler(**kwargs) self.radius_ratio = self.round_radius_handler.getRadiusRatio(min(self.size)) if self.radius_ratio == 0: self.shape = Pad.SHAPE_RECT def _initAnchorShape(self, **kwargs): self.anchor_shape = kwargs.get('anchor_shape', Pad.ANCHOR_CIRCLE) if self.anchor_shape not in Pad._ANCHOR_SHAPE: raise ValueError('{shape} is an illegal anchor shape'.format(shape=self.anchor_shape)) def _initShapeInZone(self, **kwargs): self.shape_in_zone = kwargs.get('shape_in_zone', Pad.SHAPE_IN_ZONE_OUTLINE) if self.shape_in_zone not in Pad._SHAPE_IN_ZONE: raise ValueError('{shape} is an illegal specifier for the shape in zone option' .format(shape=self.shape_in_zone))
[docs] def rotate(self, angle, origin=(0, 0), use_degrees=True): r""" Rotate pad around given origin :params: * *angle* (``float``) rotation angle * *origin* (``Vector2D``) origin point for the rotation. default: (0, 0) * *use_degrees* (``boolean``) rotation angle is given in degrees. default:True """, origin=origin, use_degrees=use_degrees) a = angle if use_degrees else math.degrees(angle) # subtraction because kicad text field rotation is the wrong way round self.rotation -= a return self
[docs] def translate(self, distance_vector): r""" Translate pad :params: * *distance_vector* (``Vector2D``) 2D vector defining by how much and in what direction to translate. """ += distance_vector return self
# calculate the outline of a pad def calculateBoundingBox(self): return Node.calculateBoundingBox(self) def _getRenderTreeText(self): render_strings = ['pad'] render_strings.append(lispString(self.number)) render_strings.append(lispString(self.type)) render_strings.append(lispString(self.shape)) render_strings.append('(at {x} {y})')) render_strings.append(self.size.render('(size {x} {y})')) render_strings.append('(drill {})'.format(self.drill)) render_strings.append('(layers {})'.format(' '.join(self.layers))) render_text = Node._getRenderTreeText(self) render_text += '({})'.format(' '.join(render_strings)) return render_text
[docs] def addPrimitive(self, p): r""" add a primitve to a custom pad :param p: the primitive to add """ self.primitives.append(p)
def getRoundRadius(self): if self.shape == Pad.SHAPE_CUSTOM: r_max = 0 for p in self.primitives: r = p.width/2 if r > r_max: r_max = r return r_max return self.round_radius_handler.getRoundRadius(min(self.size))